Intermediate Fitness Program

Welcome to the 2nd and 3rd month of the program we have prepared for those who will finish the beginner fitness program (1st month) and start intermediate level. In the first month, we introduced you to fitness movements, if you applied the previous program with discipline, you are ready for the intermediate level program. In the 2nd and 3rd months, we are gradually increasing the level of the program and movements.
The intermediate fitness program lasts 8 weeks and is designed to be trained 4 days a week. We have prepared a list of points you should pay attention to while implementing this program for you.
- The weights we lift in this program should be higher than the first month. Please consider the number of sets and rest periods between sets when increasing weights.
- As the Fitness Aktif team, our experts have prepared a more professional and targeted program that works specific muscle groups on certain days instead of programs that work many regions every day.
- Before starting the program, we recommend that you go through a general medical examination just in case.
- The program consists of 4 days and you will train different parts of your body each day.
- We do not recommend exercising for 3 consecutive days in a week. After all, our muscles need rest and regular sleep. So for example, Mon-Tuesday and Wed-Friday, etc. you can work days.
- Do not forget that fitness centers are not a place for socializing, so take into account the 30 seconds or 45 seconds we know between sets. In this way, you will reach the maximum level of muscle development by giving short resting intervals.
- Our movements are created from compound exercises that work many muscle groups at once. In this way, we will get the most efficiency and reach the highest oil breakdown.
Fitness Program Nutrition Tips
Some will tell you that nutrition is 70% important in bodybuilding, some 80% important. We think this is 100% important. Lifting weights is also 100% important. It is also 100% important to consume enough water. It is the same to be disciplined and motivated.
Actually, the important thing here is this: Having a healthy, strong and fit body is like building a building. If you do not keep the foundation firm and do something missing, the building will collapse.
There are two golden rules of good nutrition:
- Putting essential nutrients in your body after exercise
- Getting the energy needed to maintain, lose or gain weight
Foods to be taken before Training
Taking fast-digesting proteins before exercising will allow you to build more muscle mass over time.
You can take 30- 40 grams of protein 30 minutes before starting exercise.Also, taking 40-50 grams of fast digestible carbohydrates 30 minutes before the workout will increase your performance.Fat taken from food before sports will not provide any benefit.
Foods to be taken after Training
The foods you will take after exercise should be chosen from the foods that prevent the deterioration of the structure of muscle mass and increase the protein synthesis to the highest level.
For this reason, protein and carbohydrate should be consumed after sports, just as before. For this reason, 30-40 g, which is easily digestible after your workouts and will help you build muscle. You can get protein.Taking easily digestible carbohydrates after exercise will increase your insulin level quickly and keep it that way, while also preventing muscle breakdown. It is recommended to take 1 gram of carbohydrate per body weight, to be consumed immediately at the meal after sports.
By optimizing the weights you lift and most importantly by paying attention to your diet, you can make your workout much more effective.
Workout | Protein | Carbonhyddrate |
Before Training (30 minutes before) | 30- 40 grams of protein | 40-50 g of carbohydrates |
After Workout (Right After) | 30- 40 grams of protein | 1 gr Per Weight (Ex: 75 gr carbohydrate is required for a 75 kg person) |
Fitness Training Program
You have to apply the following program 4 days a week for 8 weeks. Separate parts of the body are exercised every day. Good luck.
Day 1 | Movements | Number of Sets and Repeats | Recovery Time Between Sets |
Warm-up | Push-up | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Chest | Bench Press | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Chest | Incline Machine Press | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Chest | Dumbell Pullover | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Chest | Dumbell Fly | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Triceps | Tricep pushdown | 4 x (10,10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Triceps | Overhead Dumbell Extention | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Triceps | Bench Dips | 3 x (12,10,8) | 45 sec |
Day 2 | Movements | Number of Sets and Repeats | Recovery Time Between Sets |
Warm-up | Treadmill | Duration: 10 min,Speed: 6 | 45 sec |
Back | Seated Cable Lat Pulldown | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Back | Reverse Grip Pulldown | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Back | Seated Cable Row | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Back | Dumbell Row | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Biceps | Dumbell Curl | 4 x (10,10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Biceps | Hummer Curl | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Biceps | Concentration Curl | 3 x (12,10,8) | 45 sec |
Day 3 | Movements | Number of Sets and Repeats | Recovery Time Between Sets |
Warm-up | Treadmill | Duration: 10 min,Speed: 6 | 45 sec |
Shoulder | Dumbell Shoulder Press | 3 x (12,10,10) | 45 sec |
Shoulder | Dumbell Side Lateral Raise | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Shoulder | Dumbell Front Raise | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Shoulder | Barbell Upright-row | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Day 4 | Movements | Number of Sets and Repeats | Recovery Time Between Sets |
Warm-up | Treadmill | Duration: 10 min,Speed: 6 | 45 sec |
Legs | Leg Press | 4 x (10,10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Legs | Leg Extention | 3 x (12,10,10) | 45 sec |
Legs | Leg Curl | 3 x (12,10,10) | 45 sec |
Legs | Barbell Calf Raises | 3 x (10,10,10) | 45 sec |
Sixpack | Reverse Crunch | 4 x (15,15,15,15) | No rest |
Sixpack | Toe Touches | 4 x (15,15,15,15) | No rest |
Sixpack | Plank | 30 sec (increase over time) | No rest |
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