What is the Lifting Strap? How to use?

Strap is basically an accessory produced to facilitate your grip in situations where your claw force is insufficient in pulling movements. For exactly this reason, I think it is an accessory that needs to be used very correctly, so why? As I said at the beginning, "your paw strength is insufficient" is an issue you need to deal with. Because whether you're a powerlifter, an athlete, or an individual who just works out for his health. Hand (claw) strength is the most important factor affecting daily life and performance, and weakness is life-threatening.
Imagine you are a mid-level powerlifter; You have the power to deadlift 2-3 times your body. Your waist, back, legs are ready for this lift, but your hands are not. It doesn't matter if other regions are strong… Because you are as strong as whatever your weakest link is.
Adding 2 of the movements in the link below to your training routine once a week, maximum 2 days, will make your holding power indistinguishable from a gorilla's claw as long as you provide progressive overload.
How and When to Use Strap?
Strap provides an extra help to your grip especially during pulling movements such as deadlift. Whether it is a PR trial, volume exercises such as 3 × 5, 3 × 10, 3 × 15 or when you want to focus on pause deadlift, you do not have to think about your grip and you will lift according to your goal.
Apart from deadlift, you do not need to think about your grip, as the main target is muscle development in accessory exercises such as RDL (Romanian deadlift) and barbell row.
It is also very simple to use, but still people can use it wrongly, although most people do not know, the right and left straps are different, make sure your hand is in the same direction with your thumb.
After putting it on your wrist, you should have your hand at the top, the bar under it and a strap under it. Then you need to wrap it from below to the bar and hold it with your hand.
First of all, if your grip is not good, never use straps. Because as you use the strap, your grip strength will remain the same and will not develop at all, and you will see the effect of this by taking 3 red flags in the powerlifting competition.
If you have such a problem, I strongly recommend that you review the link above and add the exercises to your weekly schedule. But while doing this, make sure that the regeneration is complete because the thing that exhausts the nervous system the most is hand strength.
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