When to Start Postpartum Weight Loss?

Postpartum weight loss rate and time are related to weight gain during pregnancy. A mother who has gained 9-12 kg during pregnancy and has completed her normal weight can regain her normal weight at the end of the first 6 months after a balanced diet and effective breastfeeding. It will take longer for mothers who have gained 18-30 kg excess weight during pregnancy to return to their normal weight.
Low calorie diet is inconvenient
Low-calorie diets for rapid weight loss affect the mother's milk yield negatively. Nutrition that is especially low in carbohydrates and protein reduces the mother's milk.
A balanced diet while breastfeeding
During the breastfeeding period, the mother secretes approximately 6 -7 tea glasses, or 700 ml of milk, every day. It consumes 500-700 calories every day for this. This calorie loss is equivalent to an hour of moderate exercise. For this reason, the mother, who has a balanced diet while breastfeeding and has enough fluids, is able to get rid of the excess weight she gained at birth at the end of six months if she has completed the birth with normal weight gain.

The magic way to lose weight while breastfeeding
Not to gain excessive weight during pregnancy and to meet with a nutritionist regularly starting from pregnancy. Because the health of the mother is as important as the health of the baby. The mother's iron and calcium stores are very valuable for her entire life. For this reason, planning should be done from the very beginning for both mother and baby health without gaining excess weight.
In the first 4 months, a monthly weight loss of half to one kg is normal, but if the mother is too fat, 2 kg loss per month may be observed. However, losing weight over 2 kg per month is inconvenient for breastfeeding mothers. After the doctor's permission, light walks and non-trips will accelerate weight loss.
Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for both you and your baby. With breastfeeding, the recovery rate of the mother increases during the postpartum period, and the calories consumed while breastfeeding support weight loss.
Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for both you and your baby. With breastfeeding, the recovery rate of the mother increases during the postpartum period, and the calories consumed while breastfeeding support weight loss.
Newborns are usually fed at intervals of a few hours, which means your body produces the same frequency of energy to produce milk. Storing the necessary energy and nutrients ensures that your body never perceives the "hunger" state and thus constantly burns the fat stores in the mother.
Water is an important part of breast milk and is also an important part of the metabolic process. The rule of thumb is to consume at least 10-12 glasses of water a day or another healthy drink after each breastfeeding throughout the day. Sugar-free komgota and compote, soups, herbal teas, and ayran are good sources of liquid. http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=605 If you exercise or the weather is extremely hot, you will need more fluid to maintain your hydration levels.
Keep in mind that you need to lose weight very slowly, as you gain weight over a 9-month period. Don't try too hard ways to lose weight faster. If you are doing sports, working in a job where you use your physical strength a lot, or if you spend most of your day running after your other children and trying to keep up with household chores, you need more calories than you think. If you are still unable to observe slow and steady weight loss and are eating more than you eat during your pregnancy, even exercising and being active, add nutrient-rich foods with a few hundred more calories to your schedule and observe how your body responds to this.
Protein should be taken in sufficient quantity. Especially fish should be consumed at least twice a week.
Your body spends about 7 calories for 1 ml of milk release.
Vitamin B12 is important for milk productivity. Its best source is lean red meat and eggs.
Adequate intake of calcium is important for the mother's bone health. The risk of osteoporosis in women should not be forgotten.
Folic acid is important during pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding. It is necessary to eat green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B consumption should also be sufficient. For this, whole wheat, bulgur and dried legumes can be preferred.
Magnesium and zinc are important for every woman in every period of life. One of the best sources is nuts.
Vitamin D is not sufficient in breast milk. Despite supplementation to the baby, taking it outdoors for 15-20 minutes every day in sunny weather is beneficial for the synthesis of this vitamin.
Compotes can be prepared without sugar. Natural sugar of fruits is sufficient for this.
If you have an iron deficiency, you can add molasses or raisins to juices.
If you want a sweet meal, you can prefer milky desserts that do not cause gas.
Milk has an ideal balance of protein, carbohydrate and calcium, and you should be careful to consume milk while breastfeeding. If it does gas, you can opt for lactose-free milk.
If your baby is sensitive to some foods you take and becomes uneasy after breastfeeding, you can try to stay away from that food for a while. If you notice that your baby is relaxing, it is useful to remove that food from your diet during the breastfeeding process. If there are certain food allergies in the family, you should be careful when consuming these foods. Although it has not been proven definitively, foods with a pungent smell such as cabbage, cauliflower, dried legumes, celery, leek, broccoli, orange, melon, cherry, onion, garlic are often blamed and it is claimed that it increases gas pain in the baby. If you observe such a situation, you can try to stay away from these foods for a while.
Sample nutrition menu:
Breakfast1 glass of milk or egg
30-40 grams of cheese
2 thin slices of whole grain bread
3-4 walnuts
1 medium fruit or compote (WITHOUT SUGAR) + 10-15 nuts Lunch
1 plate of meat and vegetables or legumes
2-3 spoons of bulgur or pasta or 1 slice of bread
Salad (with 1 teaspoon olive oil)
1 bowl of yoghurt or tzatziki
1 glass of buttermilk + 1 TOAST (WITHOUT FAT) or homemade low-fat cake and milk
1 bowl of soup
Grilled 3 -4 meatballs of meat or chicken or fish
Salad (with 1 teaspoon olive oil)
1 slice of bread or 3-4 tablespoons of bulgur
1 medium fruit +1 glass of milk or 15 almonds / hazelnuts
How can you increase breast milk? Foods that increase breast milk are always wondered. In fact, there are not many such miraculous foods. Mother; If she believes that her milk will be enough, if she feeds her baby as much as she wants, if she eats a balanced diet and takes enough fluids, her breast milk will increase. However, we should not ignore the importance of psychological factors in breastfeeding. If you believe that a certain food increases your milk (even this belief can increase milk), it is better to take that food in moderation.
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