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What Is Good For Hair Loss? 5 Herbal Hair Growth Recipes


Baldness is one of the biggest health problems experienced in recent years. There are groundbreaking developments in the world of science on this subject. With these developments, a new ray of hope is emerging for the bald people almost every day. With the developments in the scientific world, many shampoo and drug brands have emerged with the claim to stop hair loss. However, most of them do more harm than good to the hair. It is healthier to use cures obtained from plants that nature offers us. In this content, we will tell you some herbs that help hair growth and some cure recipes that experts in this field prevent hair loss and grow new hair.

Cure: 1

5 grams of almond oil
5 grams of rosemary oil
5 grams of olive oil
5 grams of nettle oil
5 grams pine oil
5 grams of garlic oil

We mix all the oils in a bottle and make them ready for use.

Use of
After applying the mixture to the scalp, rub your scalp. You use this weekly mixture as follows:
-Week 1: every night
-Week 2: 1 in 2 nights
-Week 3: 1 in 3 nights
Use natural olive oil soap during washing. Put a tea glass of grape vinegar in 2-3 liters of water to rinse and rinse your hair.

Application time
45 days

Expected Result
With this mixture you use, your hair will stop falling within 20 days. 25 days after hair loss stops, you will begin to have new hair.

Cure: 2

1 tablespoon of black seed oil
1 cup of quality olive oil
1 tablespoon of parsley seeds
1 tablespoon of bay seed oil

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.

Use of
Apply the cure to the bottom of your hair with the help of a brush 2 hours before entering the bath. By the way, your hair has to be clean. After applying the mixture, rub your hair roots and rub them. Then wrap your hair with cling film and let it sit for 2 hours. In this way, apply it to your hair once a week.

Cure: 3

100 grams of burdock root
100 grams of nettle root
60 grams of boxwood leaves
2 liters of vinegar

Add all the ingredients into 2 liters of vinegar. After keeping it in a warm place for 8 days, strain it.

Use of
Massage the liquid obtained from the mixture into your scalp.

Cure: 4

1 coffee cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of bay oil
1 tablespoon of parsley seeds
1 tablespoon of black seed oil

Preparation of
Put all the ingredients on our list in a bowl and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Use of
The material obtained is mixed with a clean brush throughout the hair, mainly to the roots. When the application is completed, the hair covered with stretch film is opened 2 hours later and rinsed with warm water.

Cure: 5

5 grams of rosemary oil
5 grams of almond oil
5 grams of nettle oil
5 grams of garlic oil
5 grams of olive oil

Preparation of
After all the oils are in a clean bottle, the bottle is shaken well and kept for a day.

Use of
After the material obtained is kept for a day, the vegetable oil mixture, which is frictioned on the hungry bottoms, is thoroughly applied every night during the 1st week, every two nights during the 2nd week and once every three nights in the 3rd week.

We have listed hair-growing herbs for your hair that sheds for many reasons and becomes thinner day by day. In this content, we also offer herbal cures that are made with the herbs listed for you and grow hair. Here are plants that grow hair ...
  • Rosemary
  • Indian Oil
  • Chamomile Oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Coconut
  • Pine Terebent
  • Lavender
  • Dead nettle
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Parsley Seed
  • Burdock
  • Black cumin oil
  • Almond oil
  • Laurel Tree Oil

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